Nonprofit FAQs

  • What is San Angelo Gives and when will it take place?

    San Angelo Gives is a 24-hour, online giving event organized by the San Angelo Area Foundation to grow philanthropy in San Angelo and surrounding areas. In 2024, San Angelo Gives raised over $4 million for more than 200 area nonprofits. San Angelo Gives will kick off at midnight on May 6, 2025. All event related donations must be made through between midnight and 11:59 pm.

    The minimum donation is $10 and there is no maximum. Pro-rated matching funds and prize money will be made available to amplify charitable donations (amplification up to the first $25,000 per donor). The goal is to inspire our community to come together for 24 hours and contribute as many charitable dollars as possible to support the work of local nonprofit organizations. San Angelo Gives, which is based on other successful giving days hosted by community foundations across the country, will be San Angelo's largest day of charity ever!

  • Why give through

    We encourage supporting local organizations with year-round giving, but the San Angelo Area Foundation has created a special event on May 6th - a charitable holiday. It's our day to celebrate San Angelo's spirit of generosity and support the work of our community nonprofits. Plus, donations made through will be amplified by the San Angelo Area Foundation and its supporters. Donations will also help participating organizations qualify for prizes that will be offered during the event.

  • Who can make a donation during San Angelo Gives?

    Anyone with a credit or debit card can make a donation to a participating nonprofit that has a profile on on May 6, 2025. Supporters do not have to have a San Angelo Area Foundation Fund or live in the San Angelo area to donate. If you do not wish to donate online, contact the Foundation office at 325-947-7071 so we can process your donation on May 6th. *Nonprofit organizations are not allowed to make contributions to themselves.

  • Are donations made tax-deductible?

    YES! Donations made through San Angelo Gives are 100% eligible for a tax deduction. Donors will immediately receive an email confirming the donation from the San Angelo Area Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity (always consult your CPA regarding your specific ability to deduct contributions). By selecting a specific charity to receive the donation, the gift is restricted for that charity and will not be given to any other charity. Donations cannot be designated for a specific program at a nonprofit, although a participating nonprofit is free to indicate that it will use donations that day for a specific purpose.

  • How much of the donation goes to the nonprofit?

    Nonprofits will receive each of the gifts earmarked for their organization. Donations made on May 6th are also eligible for amplification funds by the San Angelo Area Foundation and its supporters, making each gift greater! Simply, each donation will receive a portion of the amplification pool and the designated nonprofit will receive more funding than was actually donated.

  • Can someone give to more than one organization?

    YES! Donations can be made to single or multiple organizations with the ability to donate in a single transaction. Only the nonprofits registered on may receive donations during this event.

  • Are donations safe and secure?

    Yes. The website is powered by Neon One and is a secure PCI-Level 1 compliant site for donating to charities. Donors can be sure their personal information is protected when donating through our Neon Giving Days platform. Neon One nor the Foundation will store, nor have access to a donor's credit card information. The San Angelo Area Foundation does not sell any information it obtains from donors or grantees, through any online or personal transaction, including credit, debit, or any other financial information. Donor credit card information or bank account information is not shared with any outside party other than the bank originating or completing the financial transaction and unless required by law, the Foundation does not share any other donor information. Please review the San Angelo Area Foundation Privacy Policy and Neon One's Privacy Policy.

  • How will a donor be recognized?

    Donors will receive an immediate thank you and tax receipt from the San Angelo Area Foundation via email. Nonprofits will thank donors as well and let them know how their donations will make a difference. Donors can choose to make anonymous donations and will still receive a tax receipt, but will not receive a thank you from the nonprofit organization.

  • Why should a nonprofit participate?

    Participation in San Angelo Gives is free. It's a tool, and like any tool, it's as effective as you want to make it. A nonprofit can invest as little or as much time, energy, and resources in promoting the event to its supporters and potential supporters as it wants. The more the nonprofit invests, the more return it will see through San Angelo Gives. Additionally, San Angelo Gives is the nonprofit's opportunity to raise awareness about their mission, reach new donors, and build online fundraising skills. Nonprofits are also eligible to receive amplification funds and prizes during the event. There's really no reason to not participate.

  • How are the amplification funds determined?

    At the completion of San Angelo Gives, the San Angelo Area Foundation will determine each nonprofit's proportionate share of the amplification funds by dividing the total amount each charity raises by the total amount of donations to all participating nonprofits. This amount will then be multiplied by the total amount of the dollars in the incentive pool.

    *Reminder the amplification is not a dollar for dollar match and will be determined after all donations are received.

    For example: SAAF secures $100,000 in amplification dollars, total raised during the day $500,000, NPO #1 raises $25,000 (or 5% of the total of the day), NPO #1 receives an amplification of $5,000 (or 5% of the amplification funds).

  • Can nonprofits host a special event?

    Yes! We encourage nonprofits to plan an event, partner with other participating nonprofits, or connect with local businesses to raise awareness about San Angelo Gives on May 6th. The more a nonprofit promotes their participation in San Angelo Gives, the more it will benefit.

  • When will participating nonprofit organizations receive their San Angelo Gives donations?

    Nonprofits will receive all donations, amplification funds, and prize money in an unrestricted grant within 30 days of San Angelo Gives from the San Angelo Area Foundation.

  • Should the nonprofit organization send tax deduction letters?

    No. The donor will immediately receive an email confirming the gift receipt from the San Angelo Area Foundation during the event. But, the San Angelo Area Foundation does encourage nonprofits to acknowledge donations by following up with donors and sharing how their contribution helps to fulfill their mission. Each nonprofit will have access to donations earmarked for their organization through the giving day portal unless the donor asks to remain anonymous.

  • How does it work?

    The San Angelo Area Foundation has created an online platform at that will have searchable profiles of participating nonprofits and a real-time leaderboard on the day of the event. All donations will be processed through this website. Nonprofits and donors can track fundraising totals throughout the day. Anyone can donate to their favorite nonprofits beginning at 12:01 AM on May 6th via The Foundation's mission is to grow philanthropy in San Angelo and surrounding counties by connecting people who care with causes that matter.

  • What is the amplification fund and prize structure?

    The San Angelo Area Foundation is working to secure amplification funds and prize dollars from community supporters and partners. The San Angelo Area Foundation will amplify, on a pro-rated basis, the total of donations made during San Angelo Gives. It is not a dollar for dollar match. The amplification percentage will be calculated the day after San Angelo Gives. Online gifts can help your favorite nonprofit(s) win available cash prizes that will be awarded throughout the day. The prize winners will be announced via social media and can be viewed on the leaderboard.

  • How to make a donation?

    Starting at midnight on May 6th go to and use a credit or debit card to donate to a single nonprofit or to multiple nonprofits.

    You will have a full 24 hours to make a donation and will have the ability to search for nonprofits by name or by category. Participating nonprofits will have a profile page on where you can choose the amount you want to donate, from $10 up. It is possible that some nonprofits will have added the authorized to their own website to give supporters another place to donate during San Angelo Gives. These forms will carry the San Angelo Gives logo. San Angelo Gives supported browsers including the latest two versions of Safari, Chrome, Firefox, iPhone/iPad I0S, and Android. Older internet web browsers do not provide sufficient security for donors and are not supported. If you have an unsupported browser and wish to make a donation, please contact our office at (325) 947-7071.

  • What are the minimum and maximum donation amounts?

    The minimum donation amount is $10. There is no maximum donation. However, individual donations greater than $25,000 will only be eligible for the amplification up to the first $25,000. All gifts made on are non-refundable.

  • What organizations are participating in San Angelo Gives?

    Our goal is to have the participation of all nonprofit organizations that are located in or provide substantial services in San Angelo or immediately-surrounding areas. The San Angelo Area Foundation will verify that all participating nonprofits are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, in compliance and in good standing, as defined in Section 509(a)(1) and/or Section 170(b)(1)(a)(vi) or Section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or affiliated with a nonprofit organization, or a governmental unit working to lessen the burden of government. All participating organizations are required to complete their profile by April 1, 2025.

  • Can donations be made using a phone?

    Yes. Our technology provider has a "mobile optimized platform" that will make it easy to make a donation on using a smartphone.

  • Beyond a donation, how can someone support nonprofits on this day?

    After donations have been made, supporters can spread the word among friends and networks about San Angelo Gives and the good work nonprofits do in our community. Nonprofits may also have online media campaigns or other ideas to promote the day.

  • What organizations are eligible to participate?

    Organizations will be required to set up a profile on the site by April 1, 2025. Eligible organizations are 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, in compliance and in good standing, as defined in Section 509(a)(1) and or Section 170(b)(1)(a)(vi), or Section 509(a)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or affiliated with a nonprofit organization, or a governmental unit working to lessen the burden of government. The organizations must be located in or provide services to San Angelo and immediately-surrounding areas. For nonprofit organizations that do not have a mailing address in San Angelo or the surrounding area, the San Angelo Area Foundation will make a case-by-case determination regarding whether or not the nonprofit provides "substantial services" and qualifies for San Angelo Gives.

  • Can a nonprofit win more than one incentive prize?

    Yes. More information regarding prizes will be announced prior to May 6th.

  • How can nonprofits make the day a success?

    Once the nonprofit has completed their profile on, they can access the giving day toolkit with a timeline for making the day a success for the nonprofit and will be eligible to participate in trainings. We encourage nonprofits to set up accounts on social media to help promote their organization throughout San Angelo Gives. Also, have fun on May 6th, creativity and energy will help make it a success!

  • Can nonprofits encourage donations by giving away prizes, free gifts, or having a raffle?

    No! The San Angelo Area Foundation will issue an electronic gift acknowledgment to each donor stating that their gift is eligible for tax deductions. Donations made through San Angelo Gives may not be used to pay for anything that might be perceived as material benefit to the donor and it is each participating nonprofit organizations responsibility to be compliant with IRS regulations for charitable deductions and will be responsible to inform its donor if they are unable to deduct their full gift amount. Please see IRS Publication 526. Failure to comply could prevent organizations from participating in San Angelo Gives in future years.

  • What if the amount the nonprofit expected based on the initial San Angelo Gives results do not match the final disbursement?

    Although each nonprofit will be able to see their gifts in real-time, please be aware that reconciliation must be completed and, even though gifts are considered nonrefundable, a donation can be revoked for a variety of reasons from the time of receipt to the time of disbursement. Therefore, donation "reports" cannot be considered final until the nonprofit receives the disbursement from the San Angelo Area Foundation.


Contact our giving day team at or 325-947-7071.

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