Downtown San Angelo, Inc.

About the Organization

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The Downtown San Angelo, Inc. program engages not just the district's property or business owners or local government, but all members of the community who are interested in the community's overall health. It is a preservation of the way of life in San Angelo where Downtown is the central hub and the entire community gains.

Past and current Projects that Downtown San Angelo, Inc. has accomplished:
o Helped establish the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone which provides grants to downtown business renovations
o Established the Sheep Spectacular Project
o Hosts the Downtown Art Walk/Downtown Stroll, Brews Ewes & BBQ, A Star Spangled Banner Concert & Fireworks
o Advocated for public art like Paintbrush Alley and historic murals
o Advocated for extended parking times downtown and funded the new signs
o Advocated for trees to be planted along N. Chadbourne
o Funded new Rendezvous Trash Receptacles for downtown to combat litter
o Funded the "Walk Through Time" banners downtown
o Funded the Historic Gateway and Streetlighting project on W Concho Avenue
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